Consultation is FREE
Beauty Mark $50
Brows – Microblading – hairstrokes $450
Brows – Powder fill effect $350
Brows – Blend soft fill and hairstrokes $450
Upper Eyeliner $250
Lower Eyeliner $250
Upper and Lower Eyeliner $450
Lipliner – blended (no hard edge) $350
Full lips – matching liner $500
Full lips with 3D contour shading $850
Second Sitting (touch-ups) FREE
Third Sitting (refreshing) $50 per half hour
A note on pricing (from a transcript from the SPCP – Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals, a non profit organization)
“This is one of the most often asked questions when people first consider permanent makeup. The bigger issue is do you really want the cheapest person you can find? In this industry, higher cost often equals higher quality.
“Permanent makeup is just that, permanent. If you go shopping for clothes, shoes, furniture, and other consumable goods, it is often wise to shop price. If you don’t like the item you purchased, you have not made a life long mistake, and you can simply discard it or give it to your sister-in-law. A discriminating buyer will often estimate how long an item should be appropriate in their life, and base their price shopping accordingly.
“You do not have this same luxury with a procedure that is permanent, such as plastic surgery, a tattoo, or permanent cosmetics. Having those services done will alter you for life. You cannot afford to go for the cheapest person when your looks are being changed forever. There is some really bad permanent makeup work walking around this world, where the individual decided to “price shop” and lived to regret it.
“A permanent makeup technician who is using proper sterilization, good equipment and is professional will not want to be the lowest priced person on the block. They will invest their funds for sterile and sanitary business procedures, for proper insurance and for professional forms. A low cost person will not have all of these or they would not be able to “give away” their services.
“Interview the technician being considered. Look at their portfolio. Are they using a professional camera? Is the facility clean and neat? Do they show you singly packaged equipment with sterile markings on the bags? Do they have certificates of continuing education? All of these items are necessary for success in permanent makeup and they all cost money. A lot of money.
“The price being charged should include topical anesthetics to minimize the pain and discomfort of the procedure.
“The reality is you should be paying hundreds of dollars for any single procedure. If the technician is not charging a hundreds of dollars they most likely are not doing what they should be to keep up with this rapidly changing industry. In that case, be wary.